Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I died, and was in flower garden as a Heaven.

Hi, I’m Masa.
I went to the Pentagon city. This city is very very good. In the city I got the Zippo. I think it is very cheaper in America than in Japan. I have more glad news. This happened in the store. I took a picture with shop person. She is very beautiful flower. Daniel Powter’s song!(^o^) No! She is a beautiful woman. I was almost fallin’ love with her. The time Spent in the shop doesn’t change for anything!!!! I was in the heaven(^o^)


Berta said...

Hi Masa, your post was interesting as I undertand you met a very special person at a shop yesterday. I hope you got to practice your English with this person and make as many friends as possible during your stay.

Hoping to read more about your Maryland´s adventures,

Nina Liakos said...

I hope you will show me that picture because that clerk must have been really pretty! You must be a romantic man.

Hiromi said...

Hello, Masa!
It's really lovely to read about your love-at-first-sight story at the mall. ^^ You might want to write a song for her, right? Hahaha...