Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The most interesting day??????????

I enjoyed watching many planes. In the College Park Aviation Museum I liked the guide. He was talkative, so his tour was very funny, curious and very plain explanation. I think he is like an entertainer. I learned about a lot of planes. “This is the first plane. It flew for only 12 seconds. This is the second plane.” I thought it was like a present plane. “it could fly from one country to another country, surprisingly, it can go over the sea.” It was very fantastic. While he was explaining this story, I costumed this time pilot uniform. I had the unique experience. My friends said to me “The costume became me.” If I lived at that time, My occupation would be a pilot. Ha ha ha…!!!!!!!!!


Hiromi said...

Hello, Masa!
Last year, I enjoyed walking around the Aviation Museum. ^^ So I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed being there as well! Sometimes, I still can't believe the fact that airplanes can fly because it looks sooo heavy! But I'm grateful for the invention because it enables us to move all around the world. ^^

Nina Liakos said...

I hope you got a photo of yourself wearing the pilot's suit, and that you will post it on your blog when you get home!

Dennis said...

Hello, Masa.

I think you had a very good time at the Aviation Museum in College Park. I've never been there, but your comments made me want to visit it.

Have you ever visited the museum's website? If not, click HERE.

I hope you got some photos of yourself dressed as a pilot! I also hope you'll post some of those photos on your blog. I'd love to see them!

I think you've had a very positive and productive trip to the U.S. Am I right?

Very best wishes--

Dennis in Phoenix